Saturday, 24 March 2018

Monochrome Photography

Monochrome photography is photography where each position on an image can record and show a different amount of light, but not a different hue. It includes all forms of black-and-white photography, which produce images containing tones of neutral grey ranging from black to white.[1]Other hues besides grey, such as sepiacyan or brown can also be used in monochrome photography.[2] In the contemporary world, monochrome photography is mostly used for artistic purposes and certain technical imaging applications, rather than for visually accurate reproduction of scenes.

SOURCE:- WIKIPEDIA (Read full article here

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Tuesday, 20 March 2018


Hiii guys!!!!!
Many of you guys asked me to give the link of PHOTOSHOP
So here is the link  
After installing PHOTOSHOP Do not open it
Just Follow the simple steps
After install do not run PHOTOSHOP
Follow these steps 
Install Notes:
1. Disable Internet connection.
2. Make sure you do not have any of the following entries in your hosts file.
3. Install Photoshop CC. [Follow the Images in Installation Screenshots folder]
4. After Installation. Launch Photoshop as Trial. [Its Important]
5. Close Photoshop.
6. Copy the file "amtlib.dll" from Crack folder to Installation directory. [C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\]
7. Block the program in your firewall and add the following lines to your hosts file.
8. Run the program & Enjoy...!!!
NOTE: Hosts file is located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

After completing these steps
You'll be able to run PHOTOSHOP
Video tutorial Coming Soon
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Stay tuned for more apps and Softwares like these

Bestfriend of Human

DOGS:-Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) are domesticated mammals, not natural wild animals. They were originally bred from wolves. They have been bred by humans for a long time, and were the first animals ever to be domesticated.
Today, some dogs are used as pets, others are used to help humans do their work. They are a popular pet because they are usually playful, friendly, loyal and listen to humans. Thirty million dogs in the United States are registered as pets.[1] Dogs eat both meat and vegetables, often mixed together and sold in stores as dog food. Dogs often have jobs, including as police dogs, army dogs, assistance dogs, fire dogs, messenger dogs, hunting dogs, herding dogs, or rescue dogs.
They are sometimes called "canines" from the Latin word for dog - canis. Sometimes people also use "dog" to describe other canids, such as wolves. A baby dog is called a pup or puppy. A dog is called a puppy until it is about one year old.
Dogs are sometimes referred to as "man's best friend" because they are kept as domestic pets and are usually loyal and like being around humans.
Read full article from here
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