Saturday, 10 November 2018

Understanding Mobile Phone's Camera

Hi Guys..

Welcome back to my Blogger.Due to some reason I was unable to post.So without wasting anytime let's get started..

Today we'll discus about the Manual/Pro mode in our Mobile Phone's Camera

 We'll take the exampale of Coolpad Cool1 Dual  for any kind of screenshot as I'm using it for my Mobile Photography.

As you guys can see the UI of  Manual mode of my Smartphone's Camera  looks like this.So we'll discuss about all the function in Manual Mode.

  • WHITE BALANCE :- White balance (WB) is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo.

  • ISO :- ISO sensitivity is a measure of thecamera's ability to capture light. For Night Photography always use minimum ISO available in your device for less Noise.
  • EXPOSURE :-  Exposure determines how light or dark an image will appear when it's been captured by your camera. In short you can adjust the Brightness of your photo using EXPOSURE. The default Exposure  value is set to always "0" .  

As You can see The indicator is set in middle of the line If you scroll the indicator at Right Side your Exposure is getting low as a result you will get Under Exposed Image(Darker). If you scroll the indicator at left side the image will get Over Exposed(Lighten).

  • EX-Time :- Now coming to my favorite option "EX-TIME" which is also known as Shutter speed.Exposure time is the length of time when the film or digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light, also when a camera's shutter is open when taking a photograph.

By default your device's EX-TIME always set to "Auto" you have to adjust it as your requirements. By using this option you can create some picture(discuss about it in another blog).

  • FOCUS :- By using it you can adjust the focus of your camera get bookeh effect in your camera.

  • SATURATION :- It is used to describe the intensity of color in the image.

If you scroll in Right side you'll loose intensity of color in image and at last it'll became B&W and If you scroll in Left Side you'll get more intensity of color in Image. 

CONTRAST :-  CONTRAST controls the range between lightness and darkness in the processed image.

That's for today guys I hope you guys like this blog. If this Blog get  50 views I'll upload a video on my YouTube Chanel

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